Event Information

Join Zero Tolerance for Domestic Abuse for 

DASH Awards

Thursday, October 5th, 2023 

Mount Vernon Canyon Club

24933 Club House Circle Golden, CO

6pm - 10pm | Formal Attire

The DASH Awards is a formal gala in which we honor individuals and organizations in the community who help domestic violence survivors. DASH stands for Domestic Abuse Survivor Heroes, because these people are truly heroes! We will also be honoring 4 DV survivors who have come a long way on their road from victim to survivor. Proceeds from the fundraiser will benefit Zero Tolerance for Domestic Abuse and their efforts in providing free counseling, awareness, and resources.

For questions, contact us at Info@0T4DA.org

Our Mission

Our Mission

Zero Tolerance for Domestic Abuse: Zero Tolerance for Domestic Abuse (0T4DA) is a nonprofit organization started by an experienced therapist specializing in domestic abuse in all its forms. We provide free counseling for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault at a family justice center in Lakewood, Colorado. At 0T4DA, we believe every victim of domestic abuse can become a survivor because with help and support, there is always a way out. 

The Need: 

According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, one in three women and one in four men in the U.S. will be the victim of domestic violence at some point in their lifetime. Additionally, 48 percent of women and 49 percent of men have experienced psychological abuse by an intimate partner. “It is really important for people to understand that domestic violence doesn’t discriminate. It happens in all communities and at all income and education levels,” says Founder and Executive Director of 0T4DA, Diane Wall. “It is equally important for anyone who is experiencing any form of abuse or control to know that there is help and a way out. With access to counseling and community resources, those affected by domestic abuse can move past barriers and live a healthy life.” 

What We Do: 


We aim to provide counseling services with a licensed therapist who has 17 years of experience working with domestic abuse clients. 


We are raising awareness of all forms of domestic abuse including emotional, verbal and financial abuse. Not all abuse is physical! 


We want to elevate the voices of people experiencing abuse. Legal protections, legislation and prevention efforts should give equal attention to physical and nonphysical domestic abuse.